Thursday, May 3, 2007

"To Reach Lost People?"

To Reach Lost People?!?

The FBCAlamo web page sums up the idea to go into debt millions of dollars and move the church building AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE as "the best opportunity to reach lost people."

To quote from the FBC Alamo web site itself:

...the membership believes that this represents both the will of God and our best opportunity to reach lost people.

I have heard figures from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 for reaching lost people.


Jesus reached lost people on a budget of ZERO DOLLARS and changed the world.

Consider that there are approximately 2,500 people in Alamo. Let's say moving the building AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE cost $2,500.000.

That means leadership of First Baptist Church in Alamo wants to spend ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS PER PERSON "to reach lost people."


Jesus did it on a budget of ZERO DOLLARS and changed the world.

Now tell me, what specifically does it take "to reach lost people?"

What is required "to reach lost people?"
What equipment is required "to reach lost people?"
What transportation is required "to reach lost people?"
How much lighting is required "to reach lost people?"
How many baseball fields are required "to reach lost people?"
Is insurance required "to reach lost people?"
Is food required "to reach lost people?"


Jesus reached lost people by walking to where they were and talking to them. Jesus reached lost people on a budget of ZERO DOLLARS and changed the world.

The leadership of First Baptist Church of Alamo can reach lost people if they will walk to where they are and talk to them about serious spiritual matters, not about baseball, not about the choir, not about the new building, but about the Lord.

The leadership of First Baptist Church of Alamo can reach lost people if they want to. The members of First Baptist Church of Alamo can reach lost people if they want to...and can do it without spending $2,500,000 to do it.

Is it "God's will" to spend $1,000 per person to reach lost people or it is "God's will" to go and make disciples and teach them to do the same?

Does First Baptist Church of Alamo REQUIRE $1,000 per person to reach lost people?

Can First Baptist Church of Alamo reach lost people without spending $1,000 per person to do it?

You tell me WHICH way is "God's will" to reach lost people?


If you are not reaching lost people now, you won't suddenly begin to reach lost people by going into debt (clearly against what the Bible teaches) and moving the building out on the highway, away from those very lost people you claim to want to reach.

If you are not reaching them now, you will not reach them any better when you move away from them. If you are not reaching lost people now, you will not reach them any better when you abandon your strategic location and move to the country.

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But Glory To God...we will have baseball for Jesus.
And it only cost $1,000 for every lost person in Alamo to play baseball.