Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thinking And Investigating Are Absolutely Out Of The Question

Consider the following quote. It is from a letter entitled
"The Comfort and Security of Knowing That You Are Right"
This post was a response to an article about Rev. Mike Huckaby whom I have known for well over 25 years. Here is the original letter:

And here is the quote:
"Thus the sweet and calming appeal of faith based religion? It is a truly
astounding experience to be in a room with about 100 people and realize that
thinking and investigating are absolutely out of thequestion.

Questioning or challenging authority is unacceptable."

It is amazing how we believe anything we are fed. It is amazing how gullible most Christians are time and time again. It is amazing how quickly we accept the words of the leaders who present the plan as though they have a hotline to Heaven. It is amazing how we act as though we are unable to think for ourselves or investigate the truth ourselves.

It is even worse when those who accept the message deride their own Christian brothers and sisters who disagree, who have a different opinion. It is interesting how we attack the persons who have considered the facts and come to a different, yet completely viable conclusion.

It is bad when a church member is confronted with facts, and instead of responding with empathy regarding the issues, quickly attacks the messenger with words such as:


(His emphasis, not mine)

"trying to sway the opinion of others is simply wrong"

(...when he himself is unaware of his own being manipulated and his own manipulation of the facts)

"get on board or get off. Those are the two options you have."

As I said before, what an ARROGANT attitude from an alleged "spiritual" leader.

You can read the above quotes at:

When I mentioned the seemingly non-evangelical nature of First Baptist Church, I was originally reminded of the October 2006 "revival" in which:

"45 people were saved and several families joined our church. That tells me that

Notice that the average Sunday attendance did not increase by 45 people, or even five people. What happened to those "45 people" who were saved? Where are those "several families" who joined First Baptist Church? Show us the numbers!

Recently, there was one other evangelical push resulting in 9 to 12 additions and thefts from other church rolls. Where are they now?

Eighteen months ago FBC Alamo ran around 170 in Sunday School weekly. Since then, according to a church staff member and recent reports, around 55 people "and several families joined our church."

Where are they now? Check the average Sunday School attendance next week and compare it to eighteen months ago, before those "45 people" were saved, before those "several families joined our church" and before the 9 to 12 were added last week. Check the average Sunday School attendance for the month of February and find those "several families." Where are the parents? Where are their kids?

"It is a truly astounding experience to be in a room with about 100 people and realize that thinking and investigating are absolutely out of thequestion.
Questioning or challenging authority is unacceptable."

Some of you have attacked me. Few of you have investigated what I have posted here. Check the numbers for yourself! Look at the results.

True Biblical evangelism is a lifestyle. True Biblical evangelism is NOT a Spring or Fall revival. True Biblical evangelism is not an emotionally charged tent meeting. Biblical evangelism is a DAILY necessity if there is going to be TRUE spiritual reproduction, not simply an emotionally-driven cheerleading session.

Check the numbers and get back with me. Better yet, check the numbers and ask the folks in charge "Where are those people?"

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