Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Vision...Sixty Four Residences? Not In This Life!

The Vision, the Will of God...reaching lost people WHERE?

The FBCA web site proclaims that moving out of town and leaving the most strategic location in the entire county

"represents both the will of God and our best opportunity to reach lost people."

However, many members disagree. Many church members think moving out of town, moving AWAY from the most strategic location in the county is the antithesis of the will of God.

If you stand at the church, to the southeast of the church is downtown for a couple of blocks, followed by homes. To the northwest of the church is a few homes and farmland. If you stand at the church, to the east and northeast is another church and many, many homes. If you stand at the church, to the west and southwest is another church and many, many homes.

I went to the church. Then I drove west on Church Street only two blocks and counted the number of residences located within two blocks of the church in only one direction. There are approximately SIXTY-FOUR RESIDENCES within TWO BLOCKS of the church in only one direction.


How many people do you think live in those SIXTY-FOUR RESIDENCES within TWO BLOCKS of the church in ONLY ONE DIRECTION ???

How many?

Let's say two people live in each of those sixty-four residences. Sixty-four front doors time two people each equal one-hundred twenty-eight people.

128 People live within two blocks of the church building.

That is allot of poeple. Last Sunday, how many people were at church? Were 160 people at church last Sunday? How about 170 people. Either way, 128 people within two blocks of the church is roughly two thirds of the regular attendees. If you reached those 128 people living within two blocks of the church and if they were "added to the church" in one year, that would be 300 people every Sunday, coming to worship and sing and pray and praise.

THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE on Sunday morning!

But rather than reach those 128 lost people who live within TWO BLOCKS of the church, somehow "God" has miraculously told "someone" that "His will" is to move that congregation AWAY from those sixty-four residences and go out in the country and let those 128 people rot in Hell, without even trying to reach them!

Jesus actually said his will was for you to be his witnesses first at home, within two blocks of the church, then out in the county, then in the surrounding counties, then further away.

Yes, we have softball for Jesus while the people who live within two blocks of the church are going to Hell.

And you are saying THAT is the will of God?


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