Thursday, October 4, 2007

Let's Talk...Let's Discuss This !

Prove me wrong!

When this blog first came on-line, one person responded to one post, then quickly retracted his words...after I had copied the entire post. When I responded to that post, he never wrote again.

Some other people have contacted me off-line and are reading these blog entries. But some folks, even Christian leaders, just get mad at me. I know you are mad at me. I can tell when I talk to you. I can tell by your actions, by what you have said and by what you have done. It's the old "attack the messenger and ignore the message" idea.

Christians and politicians have a bad habit of doing that sort of thing. When someone presents an opposite viewpoint, they attack their opponent rather than deal with the issues on the table. That's why you get mad at me rather than discussing the issues. You don't want your error challenged.

In this blog, I have stated my positions simply and precisely.

I have stated what the Bible clearly says is "God's will."

I have stated why I think the building program is a cover-up for NOT doing "God's will."

I have given examples of opportunities to actually DO "God's will" according to the scriptures.

I have shown if you don't "do God's will" now, you probably will NOT "do God's will" when you move away from the city. In fact, in light of the lack of discipleship evident at the church today, the idea of "reaching lost people" after moving is a false dream and a lie.

But here is your chance to prove me wrong. Convince me that I don't know what I am talking about. Convince me that I am wrong. So far, I have heard nothing but hype and cliches and platitudes from people who do not win souls. That is not a very good argument for your position.

It is A JOKE to say you have "prayed about it" and that you "know it is God's will" when you haven't prayed about all those lost people around you who are bound for hell.

So convince me that I am wrong. Show me the numbers. Show me how lost people will be reached after the big move to the country, when they are not being reached today.

Show me the plan to reach lost people after the move.

John 13:35 says that "all men will know that [we] are [his] disciples, if ye have love for each other."

I am not mad at you. But I do know that somebody is lying and somebody is kidding themselves. Prove me wrong. When you see me, challenge me on these issues. When you see me at church, show me the plan to reach the lost people whom you are not reaching now.

Show me I am wrong. Prove that you are right. Prove to me "God's will" is in this move.

And while you are waiting, take some time to "work out your own salvation" by fixing the roof on the flat part of the building that is only 45 years old. Those kids in the nursery don't need water on the floor when they are playing.

Now...convince me! Don't get mad like a politician. Talk to me like a Christian. Prove that I am wrong. Prove that you are right. Prove to me that it IS "God's will" to move. Prove it! I am listening.


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